How to Unfreeze Your Air Conditioner

If you’re wondering what causes an air conditioner to freeze up, there can be a wide array of causes. The important factor to realize is that ice on the unit can greatly damage the compressor and other components of the air conditioner system. It’s critical that you turn the unit off and try to locate and fix the cause. If you don’t, you may be facing an expensive air conditioner repair bill.

What Causes an Air Conditioner to Freeze

  • Faulty Fans and Faulty Thermostats: If your air conditioner is freezing up, it may be that some of the system’s components are not operating correctly. The system’s fan is responsible for delivering air to the coil in order to keep it warm. A faulty fan can cause the unit to freeze up. One possible solution is to adjust the fan’s speed. Sometimes, this fixes the problem. If you have a faulty thermostat, it is likely that the unit may still be running even though the outdoor temperature is cooler than the temperature you’ve set the thermostat at. Sometimes, a faulty thermostat can be repaired by an HVAC technician or may need to be replaced with a new one.
  • Insufficient Airflow: All air conditioner units require enough airflow for operations and to keep the coil warm. Without enough airflow, humidity collects on the coil and ice builds up. Insufficient airflow can be caused by obstructed ducts, dirty air filters and closed registers. Be sure to open all the registers and change the air filter once a month during heavy usage of your air conditioner.
  • Drain Blockage and Low Refrigerant: As the unit condensates moisture, the water needs to be able to drain. If there is blockage in the drain hole or pipe, the backup can cause the evaporator coil to freeze up. Be sure to check the drain hole and pipe for any build-up of twigs or debris. It’s also possible that low refrigerant levels can cause a freeze up. In this case, it’s always best to schedule an HVAC visit, as there may be a leak in the refrigerant tubing. An HVAC technician will be able to locate and fix the leak in addition to recharging the refrigerant if necessary.

Commonwealth Cooling & Heating

If you’re unable to fix a freeze up in Lorton, VA, be sure to give us a call at Commonwealth Cooling & Heating for an air conditioner repair visit. You can even schedule an appointment right online at our website. Take advantage of our Internet coupons for savings on air conditioner repairs.

In addition to great customer service and competitive prices, we provide our customers with NATE certified technicians. Our technicians are highly skilled and knowledgeable and can work on any make or model. You can also feel confident knowing that all of our work is guaranteed for your satisfaction. If you’re ready to upgrade your old unit with a modern one, we offer a wide array of leading brand systems. Whether you have an older unit or a new one, we always advise our customers to sign up for one of our affordable ac maintenance plans. Regular AC maintenance will keep your unit operating in good condition.

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