Understanding the Need for Climate-Neutral Refrigerants

The chemical refrigerants used in refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioners have made large contributions to climate change and the depletion of the Earth’s ozone layer. According to National Geographic, one of the best ways to protect the Earth and natural resources is to replace outdated HVAC systems in Lorton, VA with new equipment that uses climate-neutral refrigerants. Let’s look at why these climate-neutral refrigerants are needed and the benefits they offer.

Slow Climate Change

Scientists estimate that the collective contribution of air conditioners to climate change will raise the Earth’s average temperature by 0.5 degrees Celsius by the year 2100. The use of old air conditioners that use chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) makes the greatest contribution to that increase in temperature. Using a new cooling system with a climate-neutral refrigerant could decrease how much Earth’s temperature increases over the next century.

Reduce Air Pollution

Climate-neutral refrigerants also help reduce air pollution. Older refrigerants interact with chemicals in the air, such as household cleaners, smoke from fires, and auto exhaust. These chemical reactions create significant air pollution that makes breathing difficult for everyone, especially people with chronic health conditions. Reducing air pollution could help people live longer, healthier, and more productive lives.

Protect the Ozone Layer

The refrigerants used in refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioners from 1902 through 2010 depleted the Earth’s ozone layer. Located in the stratosphere, ozone shields the planet from the sun’s UV-B rays and deflects some of the sun’s heat. UV-B causes damage to DNA, which leads to cancer. When the ozone layer breaks down and develops thin areas or holes, the phytoplankton in the oceans die. UV-B radiation also damages the immune system, making people and animals more prone to infections. UV-B directly causes cataracts, which are a leading cause of vision loss and blindness. Climate-neutral refrigerants don’t deplete the ozone layer.

For more information about the importance of climate-neutral refrigerants, take a look at Commonwealth Cooling & Heating’s high-quality HVAC systems, or reach out to us today.

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