
June 7, 2013

Why You Shouldn't Ignore Your Air Registers

The air registers, which are usually located on the walls or ceilings of a home, are where all the warmed or conditioned… Continue Reading Why You Shouldn't Ignore Your Air Registers

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May 20, 2013

What’s That Noise? Identify the Weird Sounds Your HVAC Unit Makes

Having a properly functioning air conditioner unit is essential for hot summer days. Calls for weird air conditioner noises are the most… Continue Reading What’s That Noise? Identify the Weird Sounds Your HVAC Unit Makes

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May 13, 2013

Tips for Choosing Proper Ductwork Design

Our team of knowledgeable HVAC technicians at Commonwealth Cooling and Heating understands the importance of choosing proper ductwork design for your home… Continue Reading Tips for Choosing Proper Ductwork Design

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April 26, 2013

Spring Cleaning? Remember Your Air Conditioner Ducts

Spring cleaning is an important ritual in many homes in Lorton, VA. It’s a great time for making sure that everything is… Continue Reading Spring Cleaning? Remember Your Air Conditioner Ducts

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April 12, 2013

Use Your Tax Return to Install an Energy Efficient HVAC System

Spring marks the time of the year when many people receive refunds from their annual tax returns. Spring is also the ideal… Continue Reading Use Your Tax Return to Install an Energy Efficient HVAC System

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March 22, 2013

Does Insulation Help with Heating and Cooling?

A common concern as seasons change in Alexandria, VA is the effectiveness of heating and cooling equipment in the home. The transition… Continue Reading Does Insulation Help with Heating and Cooling?

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